
Guanghui Art Museum

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All Guanghui Art Museum NewsLecture InformationKnowledgeNoticeFeature

2554 browse    Feature

27 2020-07


Guanghui Archives Centre

Guanghui Archives Centre

4884 browse    Feature

01 2019-01

The Archives Center of Guanghui Art Museum is based on the collection research, and is dedicated to the art literature center by using the art museum and its related knowledge production system literature as the clues.The column will be carefully selected

GuangHui Lecture

GuangHui Lecture

4604 browse    Feature

01 2019-01

Guanghui Lecture Hall is a professional education academic brand that Guanghui Art Museum continues to operate. It is not only an academic channel for art galleries, but also a platform for rapidly establishing art museums in the art resource relationship

Art for fun

Art for fun

4556 browse    Feature

01 2019-01

The Guanghui Art Museum provides fast, efficient and streamlined art knowledge for non-professional but art-loving people through multi-channel and multi-level gatherings and interesting stories related to art. The column will be built around the history